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II Ciclo de Debates da Associação Brasileira dos Estudantes de Arbitragem (ABEArb)

O escritório sediará o II Ciclo de Debates da Associação Brasileira dos Estudantes de Arbitragem (ABEArb) sobre “Jurisprudência Arbitral”, no dia 12/09, às 19:00hs. O evento é gratuito e será coorganizado pelo International Center for Dispute Resolution, Young & International (ICDR Y&I).


The law firm will host the II Annual Event of the Brazilian Association of Arbitration Students (ABEArb) about "Arbitral Decisions", on September 12, at 7:00 pm. The event is free and jointly organized by the International Center for Dispute Resolution, Young & International (ICDR Y&I). #abearb #icdr


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