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Mesa de computador pura

Good habits


As is well known, the COVID-19 pandemic has advanced across our country, causing

that the remote work modality is a reality in most companies. Given this scenario, since 03/22/2020, the Arruda Alvim, Aragão, Lins & Sato office has also adopted the home office , in order to ensure the safety and well-being of all its employees.


This policy aims to recommend best practices for remote work, seeking a balance between quality of life and productivity, in addition to certifying the security of all information accessed outside our corporate environment.

Information security

1. Keep updating systems

It is extremely important to periodically update the software used on our computers. This attitude reduces the chances of information leakage, as well as makes it difficult for malicious access to information present in the systems used.


Also, we emphasize the need to maintain the antivirus throughout the period in which the employee has access to VPN, CPJ, corporate email, Zoom, among others.  other platforms used.

2. Connect to a secure network

Several virtual attacks are operated through insecure internet connections. To avoid this, make sure that your desktop router has the updated settings.  and with a secure password – consisting of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols – registered.

3. Use of strong passwords

Using strong passwords makes it difficult for other users to access systems through your username. To do this, include special characters, capital letters and numbers. Never use numerical sequences or personal information, such as your name or anniversaries.

Avoid leaving passwords saved on your computer or browser.

4. Online communication

In order for the security of access to the systems to be effective, do not share your password with anyone, whether via WhatsApp or any other means of communication.


For access to processes by interns (without token) it will be requested  – at the time of registration and with the support of the NAE – the process password, so that they can access the records without using a token and download documents.

This password, when received, will be included in the file of the case at CPJ for interns to access the file.

As for the protocols, they should be centralized in the protocol support sector and not performed individually by the cores. In this way, we guarantee reliable indicators in the procedural controllership.


How much  to customer systems, respect must be given to the  specific policies for each, with the appropriate procedure.

As already stated in the Compliance manual, the password has a personal nature, that is, it should not be given to anyone.

5. Email care

When receiving suspicious links or emails, avoid access. These emails must be forwarded to the IT department, so that all necessary measures are taken to ensure security in processing.


6. Watch out for downloads

It is of paramount importance that the download of movies, videos, unknown files, among others, is not done while tasks and office systems are running.


7. Doubts? look for it

In case of questions regarding systems, passwords, e-mail, in addition to any difficulty in accessing and availability of services, our IT department remains fully available to provide all necessary support.


and well-being

trabalhando em casa

To make work even more productive, we've separated some wellness tips during this home office period.


1. Remember, you are not alone!

You are safe in your home, but you are not alone. We are only physically apart.

The success of our team depends on the  team work!

In this context, communication is essential to good home office practices, including to maintain productivity and results equivalent to those obtained in face-to-face work. Establish alignment rituals among team members.


Some examples of measures that can be used in this sense are: weekly planning meeting and goals for the week, daily follow-up meetings.


To enable remote communication, many teleconferencing tools can be used. We indicate the corporate Zoom, hired by the office. Look for our IT department if you need help using it.

2. Workspace

Choose a suitable location to carry out your work. Look for airy, lit and, if possible, quiet places. Avoid staying on the couch or bed. These locations can harm productivity in addition to being bad for ergonomics.

3. Keep a regular routine

When working outside the corporate environment, we are subject to many distractions. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain discipline and implement a work routine. Stipulate usual times to sleep and wake up, and organize the day's schedule, so it will be easier to stay focused.

Avoid having meals in front of the computer.

Consider times when the family, for example, will be at home as well. Delimit two or three work shifts, leaving spaces for this interaction.

Try to fit in small rest breaks during the workday, as you would in a face-to-face workday.


4. Make time for your well-being

This period of social withdrawal for collective security can generate anxiety and anguish.


One way to avoid these feelings is to take a moment to perform physical activities, stretch, listen to music, watch programs that interest you, read a book, study, among other activities that are beneficial to the body and mind.


It is important, however, that these leisure activities do not invade pre-established work schedules. separate  a time of your day to do them, without interrupting your productive routine.


Our partner company of labor gymnastics has made some video classes available, which are already being shared.

Another suggestion is to download meditation and/or exercise apps to do at home.


Finally, the schedule of lives on various topics is huge, take the time to enjoy the ones that address your favorite subjects and take the opportunity to improve your knowledge with tools that can be useful for the office's production.


5. Don't leave the TV on all day

The excess of news about the pandemic of  COVID-19 can generate anxiety and panic. So, avoid watching the programs during working hours.


The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends reading, seeing or hearing information about the new coronavirus only twice a day and, in a practical way, to inform yourself about the next steps that should be taken in relation to the pandemic (Source: .)


Opt for official websites with information produced by research bodies, such as the Ministry of Health and the State or Municipal Health Department.


6. Make video calls with friends and family

With social removal for collective security, we no longer see dear people. However, thanks to technology, virtual interaction is easily accessible.


Regarding our co-workers, why not make a video call to chat, or even have a coffee  distance?


7. Lower children's anxiety and boredom

Many of our employees are parents, which makes adapting to the home office more complicated.


Entertaining children is essential for parents to be able to work. So create a routine for the little ones too, and enjoy quality time with your family.


Make time to play or watch a movie as a family so everyone can be together.

8. End of work

It is extremely important that the activities are carried out in an adequate working period. Avoid working excessively and at unconventional hours, so that there is a routine for work and family life.


Remember, a well-organized day is often more productive!

9. Managing Stress and Anxiety


In addition to the tips covered, it is important to present information on how to control the stress and anxiety that the pandemic can cause us. Check out some positive practices:


If you experience difficulties, anxiety, a sense of confinement or loneliness,

don't stop  communicate with your sector coordinator and seek help.

You are not alone.

Soon we will meet again.

Team Arruda Alvim, Aragão, Lins & Sato Advogados.

Writing: Amanda Falce de Souza, Daniel Vieira and Manuela Rupel.

Art: Camila Bernardino

Review: Priscila Kei Sato, Manuela Rupel,  Anna Lamy and Eduardo Lamy.

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Curitiba | Head Office

Phones: (41) 99280-2725
(41) 3301-3800 | Fax: (41) 3301-3801

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