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Civil Procedure Convention in honor of Professor Arruda Alvim – in memoriam

This past Thursday, March 16th, the Civil Procedure Convention in honor of Professor Arruda Alvim – in memoriam, took place. It was sponsored by the Civil Procedure Commission of the São Paulo Bar (OAB/SP) and by Pontifícia Universidade Católica of São Paulo. The theme of the Convention was “Appeals, precedents and other matters under the view of the courts”.

The lectures were given by Justices Fátima Nancy Andrighi and Paulo Dias de Moura Ribeiro, Marcelo Navarro Ribeiro Dantas and many distinguished members of the judiciary Branch. Professors Nelson Nery Júnior, Cassio Scarpinella Bueno, Francisco José Cahali and many other specialists on the subject also participated.

Partner Teresa Arruda Alvim joined the Convention, addressing the theme “Automation in the application of precedents”.

The Convention may be watched in its entiredy through SP/OAB’s Youtube channel:


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