This past Monday (April 17th), the updating of the book “Themes of Civil Procedural Law”, by Professor José Carlos Barbosa Moreira, was launched. Partner Teresa Arruda Alvim was part of it, she updated the fifth series of themes, along with Professor Paulo Henrique dos Santos Lucon.
Aluisio Gonçalves de Castro Mendes, Carlos Roberto Barbosa Moreira, and Luiz Paulo da Silva Araújo Filho, coordinators of the work, were present.
Several authorities, who also participated in the update, were present in the event, namely Federal Supreme Court Justices Luís Roberto Barros and Luiz Fux, Judges Luiz Paulo da Silva Araújo, Humberto Dalla Bernardina, Sérgio Ricardo de Arruda Fernandes, and the State Attorney of Rio de Janeiro Marco Antônio Rodrigues.
The event took place at the headquarters of the Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice, and was organized in partnership with the Federal Regional Court of the 2nd Region, the Attorney General of Rio de Janeiro, the Brazilian Institute of Procedural Law, the Rio de Janeiro Law School (UERJ) and Editora GZ.
Coverage of the event can be found in the website of TJRJ:
Photo 1 - from the left to the right: Cassio Scarpinella Bueno, Sérgio Ricardo de Arruda Fernandes, Frederico Montedonio Rego, Humberto Dalla Bernardino de Pinho, Ana Cristina Baco Fernandes, Rodrigo Fux, Min. Luiz Fux, Min. Luís Roberto Barroso, Teresa Arruda Alvim, Aluisio Gonçalves de Castro Mendes, Carolina Paes de Castro Mendes, Luiz Paulo da Silva Araújo Filho, Carlos Roberto Barbosa Moreira, Antonio do Passo Cabral, Marco Antônio Rodrigues, Paulo Cesar Pinheiro Carneiro Filho, Paulo Cesar Pinheiro Carneiro, Paulo Henrique dos Santos Lucon e Guilherme Zincone.
Photo 2 - from the left to the right: Antonio do Passo Cabral, Humberto Dalla Bernardino de Pinho, Min. Luís Roberto Barroso, Ricardo Cardozo (Des. Presidente do TJRJ), Min. Luiz Fux, Rodrigo Fux, Aluisio Gonçalves de Castro Mendes, Alexandre Freitas Câmara, Luiz Paulo da Silva Araújo Filho, Carlos Roberto Barbosa Moreira, Teresa Arruda Alvim, Cassio Scarpinella Bueno e Marco Antônio Rodrigues.